Room No. 3, 1st floor, Falaknuma Bldg., 39 Abdullah Haroon Rd, Saddar, Karachi

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Minimum WagePunjabMinimum Wage of Rs. 37,000/= p.m. of Unskilled & adolescent Workers declared by the Punjab Govt.

September 9, 2024

Room # 3, Falaknuma Bldg.
39 Abdullah Haroon Rd.
Karachi, 74700
Phone: (021)32727266

Date: 09-09-2024

Circular Number: C-217

Minimum Wage of Rs. 37,000/= p.m. of Unskilled &
adolescent Workers declared by the Punjab Govt.


  • The Punjab Govt. has notified 37,000/= p.m. or Rs.1423.07/= per day for 8 working hours as the minimum wage for adult male, female and Adolescent workers with effect from 01-07-2024 based on 26 working days in a month under Section 6 of the Punjab Minimum Wages Act, 2019 on recommendation of its Minimum Wages Board and allowing deductions/adjustment of Rs. 459.03/= p.m. for providing housing accommodation and Rs. 98.28/= p.m. for providing transport facility as per the Punjab Govt. Gazette Notification dated 05-09-2024.


  • This minimum wage declared is inclusive of basic wage and all other regular allowances whatsoever. If the present wage of any unskilled adult male, female and Adolescent worker is higher than this minimum wage declared now, their present wages cannot be reduced.


  • Naturally management action would be required to revise wages of semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled workers keeping in view the newly announced minimum wage of unskilled workers.


  • Contributions and other matters under the Social Security and EOB shall be governed by the provisions of these laws.


  • The above may be carefully read along-with the Gazette Notification. In case of any doubt, you may consult your Labour Laws Consultant.

For M/s S. M. Yaqoob 

Industrial Relations Advisors 

& Labour Laws Consultants
