Minimum wage of Rs. 13,000/= p.m. of Unskilled adult and Juvenile Workers in Sindh
Room # 3, Falaknuma Bldg.
39 Abdullah Haroon Rd.
Karachi, 74700
Phone: (021)32727266
Date: 05-11-2015
Circular Number: C-159
Minimum wage of Rs. 13,000/= p.m. of Unskilled adult and Juvenile Workers in Sindh
The Minimum Wages Board, Sindh under Rule 14(1) of the Sindh Minimum wages Rules, 1962 has recommended the minimum wage of Rs. 500/= per day or Rs. 13,000/= p.m. for unskilled adult and juvenile workers under the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961 vide its Notification No. MWB/R&S/US/1(1)/88/015 dated 25-08-2015 seeking objections on it within 30 days as required by the Rule 14(2). The Secretary, Sindh Govt. Labour Dept. vide his Notification/letter dated 30-10-2015 has accepted the above recommendation of the Minimum Wage Board without any modification but making it effective from 01-07-2015. Salient features of the same are given as under:––
1- The Notification is a legal formality as invariably recommendations of the Board are usually accepted.
2- That minimum wage of adult and juvenile workers, both male and female, temporary or permanent whole time workers as recommended would be paid Rs. 13,000/= p.m. or Rs. 500/= per day w.e.f. 01-07-2015 for as per the provisions of the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961. Since the Notification is made effective from 1st. July, 2015, arrears are to be paid to the workers from 01-07-2015.
3- The daily minimum wage for piece rated workers would be 1/26th of the monthly minimum wage amounting to Rs. 500/= per day or not less than Rs.62.5/= per hour which proportionately includes element of minimum wage for weekly holiday in it and, therefore, no separate payment for weekly off day would be required. Overtime, daily/weekly working hours, weekly rest days, work on weekly holidays, etc shall be governed by relevant provisions of the Factories Act, 1934, Payment Wages Act, 1936, West Pakistan Shops & Establishment Ordinance 1969 and other relevant labour laws.
4- Wages of skilled and semiskilled workers may be fixed by employer but the same cannot be less than the minimum wages fixed now for unskilled adult and juvenile workers. The wage would mean as defined by Section 2(8) of the Minimum Wages Ordinance, 1961.
5- Wages of piece rated workers be also revised which would not be less than this minimum wage be it on monthly, daily, hourly or piece rate basis.
6- If any establishment is paying higher than this minimum wage, the same cannot be reduced. The employer is free to pay higher wage voluntarily or by collective agreement keeping in view various factors including high cost of living in a particular locality or other reasons.
7- This minimum wage would apply to the permanent, temporary, whole time, monthly rated, daily rated and piece rated unskilled adult male female and juvenile workers and they shall continue to enjoy existing other benefits given to them and the same shall not be adjusted against this minimum wage.
For further details if required, you may consult your labour laws consultant.
For M/s S. M. Yaqoob