Room # 3, Falaknuma Bldg.
39 Abdullah Haroon Rd.
Karachi, 74700
Phone: (021)32727266
Date: 04-02-2009
Circular Number: C-117
Industrial Relations Act, 2008 Corresponding Sections
After the Senate, the National Assembly passed the Act with slight changes and with the assent of the President on 06-12-2008, the Act has become final and ,therefore, the revised corresponding Sections are given below.
IRO,69 IRO,02 IRA,08 Title Page
1 1 Sec 1 Short title, etc. 1
2 2 // 2 Definitions 2
3 3 // 3 Trade Union and Freedom of Association 3
4 Not in both // 4 Law of the land to be respected X
5 4 // 4 Application of registration 4
6 5 // 5 Requirements of Applications 4
7 6 // 6 Requirements of Registration 4
7-A 7 // 7 Disqualification for being an officer of trade Union 5
7-B 8 // 8 Regd. trade union to maintain register, etc 5
8 9 // 9 Registration 5
8-A 10 // 10 Transfer, etc of officer of trade union during pendency of application for registration 6
9 11 // 11 Certificate of Registration 6
10 12 // 12 Cancellation of Registration 6
11 13 // 13 Appeal against cancellation 6
12 57 // 14 Registrar of trade union 6
13 58 // 15 Power and function of Registrar 6
14 14 // 16 Incorporation of regd. trade union 7
15 63 // 17 Unfair labour practice – employers 7
16 64 // 18 Unfair labour practice – workmen 8
17 15 // 19 Law of conspiracy limited 8
18 16 // 20 Immunity from civil suit 8
19 17 // 21 Enforceability of agreement 8
20 18 // 22 Registration of Federation of trade union 9
21 19 // 23 Returns 9
22 20 // 24 Collection B/Agent 9
22-A 49 // 25 NIRC 12
22-B 50 // 26 Benches of the Commission, etc. 13
22-C 51 // 27 Additional powers of commission 14
22-D 52 // 28 Appeals 15
22-E 53 // 29 Finality of order 15
22-EE 54 // 30 Determination, etc., collective bargaining unit 15
22-F 55 // 31 Powers to make Regulations 16
23 21 // 32 Check off 16
23-A 23 // 33 Shop steward to act as link between Labour and management 17
23-B X // 34 Workers participation in management 17
23-C X // 35 Joint management board 18
23-D X // 36 Inspector 18
23-E X // 37 Penalty for obstructing inspector 18
23-F X // 38 Penalty for contravening section 35 or 36 etc. 19
24 24 // 39 Works Council 19
25 X // 40 Functions of works council
25-A 46 // 41 Redress of individual grievances 19
26 25 // 42 Negotiations relating to differences and disputes 20
27 26 // 43 Conciliator 20
28 27 // 44 Notice of strike or lockout 20
29 28 // 45 Conciliation after notice of strike or lockout 21
30 29 // 46 Proceedings before conciliator 21
31 30 // 47 Arbitration 21
32 31 // 48 Strike and lockout 21
33 32 // 49 Strike or lockout in public utility services 22
34 33 // 50 Application to Labour court 22
43 35 // 51 Raising of industrial dispute by federation 22
35 44 // 52 Labour court 22
36 45 // 53 Procedure and powers of Labour court 23
37 47 // 54 Awards and decisions of Labour court 23
38 48 // 55 Labour Appellate Tribunal 23
39 59 // 56 Settlements and awards on whom binding 24
40 60 // 57 Effective date (of the above) 24
41 34 // 58 Commencement and conclusion of proceedings 25
42 X // 59 Certain matters to kept confidential 25
43 35 // 60 Raising of industrial dispute 26
44 36 // 61 Prohibition of serving notice of strike or lock- out while proceedings pending 26
45 37 // 62 Powers of L/c and Tribunal to prohibit strike, etc. 26
46 38 // 63 Illegal strike and lockout 26
46-A 39 // 64 Procedure in cases of illegal strikes or lock-outs 26
47 40 // 65 Conditions of service to remain unchanged while proceedings pending 27
47-A 41 // 66 Removal of fixed assets
48 42 // 67 Protection of certain persons 28
49 43 // 68 Representation of parties 28
50 61 // 69 Interpretation of settlement and awards 28
51 62 // 70 Recovery of money due from an employer under settlement or award 28
52 X // 71 Performance of functions pending ascertainment of collective bargaining agent 28
53 65 // 72 Penalty for unfair Labour practices 28
54 66 // 73 Penalty for committing breach of settlement 29
55 67 // 74 Penalty for failing to implement settlement, etc.- 29
56 68 // 75 Penalty for false settlement, etc.- 29
60 x // 76 Penalty for discharging officer of trade union in certain circumstances, etc. 29
61 70 // 77 Penalty for embezzlement or misappropriation of funds 30
62 71 // 78 Penalty for other offences 30
62-A 72 // 79 Offences to be non-cognizable 30
63 73 // 80 Offences by corporation 30
64 74 // 81 Trial of offences 30
65 76 // 82 Indemnity 30
65-A 77 // 83 Registrar, etc., to be public servants 30
65-A 78 // 84 Limitation 30
66 79 // 85 Power to make rules 30
X X // 86 Transfer of pending proceedings 30
67 80 // 87 Repeal and savings 30
X 81 // 88 Former registration offices, officers, etc., to continue 31
X 82 // 89 Removal of difficulties 31
One Two // Schedule – One 31
For M/s S. M. Yaqoob